Ah Sport!
Hi Guys!
Can you help me?
A student of mine needs to know the following terms in English: minimes, benjamins, cadets and Juniors (I suppose Junior is Junior but does it correspond to the same level?)
I've tried to find these terms on the web but nothing really convinced me.
Jersey Trip
Nadine could you send me all the details that you have about the Jersey trip so that I can sort the rest out.
Thanks a lot for all that you've done
Thanks Tim
It's nice to have an instant reaction!!!
Just thought you might all like to know that the theatre module is going well and Monique is being a star!!!!!
We're planning to put on extracts from the play on Friday the 1st June. There will be guests there from Solihull too. Yes real English people plus MRS ENGLISH PENFRIEND ORGANISER.
So if you or any of your students feel you'll be up to it put the date in your diary.
I thought we could call the evening "Entente Cordial" but I'm open to other suggestions. Not rude ones....
Bye for now
PS Don't forget to tell your students about the blog...they can write in French or English.
Images and Cold Chisel
This is the link to the freaky little page that Sylvie put up in the staff room. This is internet circa 1990 so you have to click into different windows until you get anything. I didn't really look into it but good luck. http://crdp.ac-dijon.fr/clic_images/#
Juliet seems to have the impression we aren't blogging enough. Of course she backed this up with the thought that maybe we are doing real work and talking to each other in person but she wasn't sure. So I thought I would show my solidarity to the blog and the department by posting a useless post.
To continue in your contemporary cultural tour of Australia every respecting Australian knows Cold Chisel. Legendary rock group started in Adelaide in 1973 and forged for the first time a music which was uniquely Australian. It's not quite the blood and guts of Christophe's musical tastes but honest sweat your eyeballs out rock talking about things and places specifically Australian (I remember hearing about the girls of St Anne's in a Cold Chisel song whilst being in the St. Anne campus drinking 50 cent beers). Officially separated in 1984 when they sold out the Horden Pavillion in Sydney in 8 minutes (a record never beaten) I saw them unofficially at the Adelaide University bar playing under a pseudonym I can't remember. We were about a hundred people at the start of the gig and by the time the word got out there were people beating the doors down to come in for the last set and lines going around the campus. Ah, youth.

hey u guys, could you please bring back the book reward (beginner)? I relly need it for the project I'm working on, and by the way, could I have those activities for teens this week?
see u
Solihull Blog more more more......
Keep on spreading the news about the Solihull Blog. Let's get some chatty people on it and then it'll be really cool in a "Granny" sort of way. Go and have a look. It all seems to be working.
You'll need to put my email and the code is solihull.
See you at the meeting. Be there or find a bloody good excuse like putting your car in the ditch like me!!!!!
Dear All

So, here is the thing. I have moved the next English Dept. meeting forward to the 30th of March. Firstly because the 6th of April is in the middle of the holidays and because it will be important we meet before the administrative meeting with M. Debuquet on the 30th of April. I expect everyone to come. So write it down now and have a think about how we can enter into a pertinent discussion about IML with the head of our service. If you have any questions for me don't hesitate.
There are few true players in the history of Australian Rules Football who had the capacity to win games alone. Wayne "The King" Carey was one of those few.
Next Chat Subject???
What will be the next discussion subject?? Mystery... mystery???
For Nadine
I've sent an email to sort out Pierre M. Let's hope the address is correct..... Have you sorted out the B&B? Last thing how are you doing with your big TUM???
for almost all english teachers
hey you guys, I really need those information sheets asap.
For Nadine
I'll bring in the email for Pierre M. Have you got his?