Friday, September 21, 2007

Surprise! surprise!

yes I know bet you are all shocked to see me here. Got earache from Juliet, so thought I better start before she starts slapping me.

(just sat thinking what to type)

(still thinking)ouch!!!!!

well to my surprise and to yours too,most probably. I'm your new head of dept.
To be really honest with you all I am a bit nervous about it and I hope you will all help me out and that we have a great year together.

Our next meeting is Friday 19th Oct. 20h-21h30
We will only have 4 meetings this year, I will inform you as soon as possible the other dates.

Well thats it for now, can't write too much you might get used to it. :)

my email addy :

bye for now


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday morning

Yes I know I should be either in bed or out and about but no I'm in front of my computer. Guess what I've had another idea!!

I've just thought of a programme for an intensive TOEIC day:

(Suivi de l'examen le jour d'après)


8.00-8.30 Accueil

8.30-10.30 Premier Examen Blanc

10.30-11.00 Pause

11.00-12.00 Correction et analyse

12.00-13.30 Atelier de vocabulaire et grammaire

13.30-14.30 Pause Midi

14.30-16.00 Atelier d'écoute

16.00-16.30 Pause

16.30-18.30 Deuxième Examen Blanc

18.30-19.30 Correction et analyse

19.30 Départ ou repas ensemble

L'examen va être passé le matin.

Coût de la formation plus l'examen:

Prix: Prix:
44euros & 83,35= 127,35 54euros & 83,35= 137,35

Alright I'll stop now. Anyway I know it won't be up and running until January but if we all agree then we can start spreading the word n'est-ce pas!!

What do you think "Group A"


PS Mr M gave me the prices yesterday.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Guess who??

Yes it's me Juliet writing to tell you about the Solihull penfriends Blog; only 2 loyal members and looking for more.

So the address is:

Then just like for this blog you have to log on to post you put my email
and the password is "solihull".

Go and have a look and you'll see the sort of things that are put.

Now I think that if we could all find 1 person to write something it would work.

Of course we need to find some Brits too.....I'll work on that one again this year.

See you all on Friday
