Ho! Ho! Ho!

Thanx to all and Have a great Christmas too! DO eat and drink and party a lot! Except Tim - bollocks for you.
And see you next year...
Bonjour à tous,Je vous souhaite de très bonnes fêtes de fin d'année et un jouyeux noël à vous et votre famille. A l'année prochaine pour un travail encore meilleur.SCHUSSS.RachidaSecrétaire des ANGLAIS
Merry Christmas to you all my dear colleagues!
Just a quick message to give you a very important piece of information: I am now officially on holiday! As a consequence I probably won't see most of you before Christmas so I wish you all a merry Christmas and a very happy new year! Have a wonderful and well-deserved Christmas break. See you next year!
Merry Christmas

Thought I'd wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for you and your kin. Best Wishes from your friendly neighbourhood head of department. Tim
Calling Tim
Have you seen your Tuesday students?
PS Please reply.
Variation pour le fêtes
Une fois n'est pas coutume... Chacun voit midi à sa porte...A force de tirer sur la ficelle, il arrive que la boule de neige fasse tâche d'huile... Tout ça pour dire qu'à l'approche de ces fêtes de fin d'année (et accessoirement des vacances - youpi!!! si j'ose dire), je me suis enfin décidé à briser un tabou: J'écris dans le Blog en FRANCAIS!!!D'aucun diront que c'est un scandale, une hérésie, un blasphème... Je n'en ai cure, je persiste, confirme, m'affirme, signe, sous-signe, j'écris un message sur notre Blog sacré en FRANCAIS.Il est des règles qu'il est parfois bon de briser... Sans vouloir jouer les grain de sable au sein de ce sain engrenage qu'est notre sacro-sain Blog, je me permets cet écart de langue.Va-t-on me jeter des pierres? Me renvoyer dans mes fourneaux? M'exiler dans un lointain goulag de triste mémoire? Ou simplement ne daigner m'adresser la parole? J'en prends le risque.Et tout ça pour quoi? me direz-vous, car je sens déjà poindre en vous quelque impatience en parcourant ces quelques lignes déjà trop longues. Et vous n'auriez pas tort, d'ailleurs, je l'admets sans rougir, cette entrée en matière commence à prendre des proportions déraisonnables, irrationnelles, voire insupportables.Qu'il en vienne enfin au fait!, vous entends-je brailler intérieurement.Eh bien, je m'exécute, je me rends, je me livre, je vous livre , je vous délivre enfin, je vous délivre mon message en FRANCAIS:Merci et félicitations pour tout le travail que vous avez effectuer ce trimestre!Bonne vacances à tous!Joyeuses fêtes de Noël à vous et à vos proches!Votre dévoué ChristophePS: Tout ça pour ça...
feedback about the ado morning!!
Good morning! How are you? Well about the ado morning, in my opinion , it went great.
Most of the students who come on Saturdays showed up, the ones who didn't it was because they had something like forum de metiers at their schools. The ss who come on Wednesdays and Fridays didn't come because they have something else on Saturday (that's why they come on Ws and Fs). Anne and I are very pleased because the activities we planned and the timing were fantastic, what about you? It is the first time we do a movie morning and of course there are things we need to improve. You know when I was at school we learned lots of theories about teaching and learning, we learned how to do research and we did some, we attended seminars and conventions... My point is, after doing all these things we found out that some research was conducted and the results were that teachers learn a lot more from an informal talk after class!!!
So, if something didn't go the way you expexted, don't feel bad, think how to change it or improve it next time. I think you all did a wonderful job. Thanks to all of you and keep it up.
see you
Have your students, Anne-Marie & Anita had any problems getting in contact with their penfriends?
The one that's with Anita, Pat Brown, hasn't had any news. If you give me Anita's email or give her mine then I'll try to sort it out. How about Anne-Marie?
You'll have to check up on them. They might just have given up....
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Penfriend Problem!!
Very few students have had any news from their penfriends. Can you check up on who has written etc. I'm still also waiting for a few "French" email addresses. I need to complete my list.
Tim can you give me your two students contacts please.(Anne-Marie & Anita)
Val, I can't seem to find your contact although I'm sure you've already given it.
Steph I need Thierry's email.
Who is Nathalie that is writing to Mr Carpet Shop (Paul Thomas) ?
We need to chase these guys up. So I need to be able to contact them and before Christmas.
Thanks Juliet
movie ado morning details!!
Good morning, how are you? well here is the schedule for next Saturday December 16th
10 - 10:15 students get into their groups ( I'll put some beautiful sheets of paper with
their names, the classroom and the Ts, thanks
10:15 - 10:45 we watch the movie ( part of it, it depends on your lesson plan)
10:45 - 11 students have some popcorn and some soda (downstairs)
11 - 11:30 we watch the rest of the movie ( once again it depends on your lesson plan)
11:30 - 11:45 students answer the questions ( " " " " " " " " )
11:45 - 12 wrap up the class
This is just a schedule we can all stick to, but not necessarily, use your common sense, ok?
Please try to involve ss as much as possible and don't hesitate to plan activites to make your class dynamic, and make your ss speak English. We're going to watch the movies without subtitles. One more thing, we're not going to dress up, sorry, but I suggest we wear our nice IML T-shirts, what do you think? Any questions? Please let me know.
see you soon
Dear All (especially Juliet)
In a nutshell, the meeting was a good fast update of stuff which is going on before some of us dove into the food at the FLE Club. I wanted to gauge the progress according to you all of working in small groups and I think by the speed in which things are happening - English Chat, Jersey, Exchange, DVD morning, TOEIC (it'll get there), StageFAST, etc. my trust in you all to work autonomously and efficiently is paying off.
The activeness of the blog is the best indicator of things working. Continue to use it as a work tool and to keep everyone up to speed on what your group is doing. See you round the school.
Message for Aline
I've found someone for your teen!! I've sent you an email with her email and details.
Have a jolly meeting tonight.
Sorry I can't be with you.
Who said it'll be quiet!!
PS Can you post the "minutes" on the blog.
Trip to jersey-Meeting quick Feedback
Hi guys!
As you know, we had a meeting last wednesday re the trip to Jersey.
Many people are interested in going, so we intend to organise two week-ends. For now, the dates haven't been really fixed yet, but it will be in April.
There is another meeting on Wednesday night at 8.00 in order to fix the dates and know exactly how many people want to go and when.
We need to book the B&B and the Ferry quite soon.
We'll give you more details on Friday night!